You are a member. With membership comes privileges.

Every year you will receive 

  • Scheduling is easy. You don't have to wait months for an appointment window you will have complete control over your calendar as a member of the group.
  • 18 hours of time with your Dr vs the 5 minutes you get now.
  • Proactive not reactive care so you understand your inner age and can make changes to improve it..
  • 18 hours each year with your lifestyle coach to reduce stress, understand your brain, achieve more and learn the science behind the changes you will be making.
  • 18 hours with your relationship coach building your relationships in your work, home and community allowing your brain to become more relaxed and accomplish more.
  • A health plan to reduce the chemicals and enhance nature's ability to heal.
  • A meal plan to reduce the additives and eat a science based diet using your blood and bodies ability to process different foods.
  • A work out plan.
  • A competition- Yes each month we will compete and the monthly winners qualify for a year end trip to exclusive resorts.