Live to beyond 100

About Us

Our Goals

To increase the average age from 74.5 to over 100 for our members.

To always be a non-profit which focuses on people not profits and is owned by all coworkers.

To continually study results, evaluate and change our process to raise the collective health of society.

To create a Senior class that contributes and educates society and is never viewed as a burden.

To share information and results with everyone to help society improve collective health.

To give each member 18 hours a year with their Doctor, not 18 minutes.

To give each member 52 hours each year with their team of coaches

To create a collective membership that helps the next generation with their studies, results, trials and input. 

Our Mission

100 Plus group is devoted to empowering members to live long productive lives well over 100. We help people realize their full potential by coaching them on their health, lifestyle, relationships and stress management. We are committed to cultivating an environment of long healthy lives where all members of our community contribute to the collective society by converting the stressful into the successful.

Our Vision

Our vision is to change the mindset of society to look forward to their health by giving them the tools, measurements, dashboard and coaching to live healthy over 100 years. We envision our members will have less stress, with healthy relationships in work, home and their communities while living in creation. Our Senior members will live longer, more healthy and productive lives contributing and advising society.

Our History

It all started at a Doctors office, ironically... 

Pete was searching for ways to improve his health and live a long and productive life. He had looked at Mayo Clinic and others like it but these were very expensive and way too short term, a yearly analysis and a pat on the back for good luck. 

Pete was invited to join a group of CEO group for start ups and attended the event in Colorado. As luck would have it Pete had a chance to meet and listen to Dr. David Sinclair.

His talk was about how to live a long and productive life. Pete read the book, listened to the podcasts and scheduled an appointment with his Doctor, at his next open time which was in 4 weeks time. 

At the appointment and armed with information and statistics he preached the care he wanted to receive, looking forward to his health, that ageing is a disease and is treatable and Pete stated, " I am going to work until I am 107 and then travel the last 20 years. "I don't want to wait til I am sick to see you Doc, I want to develop a long term relationship in good health." 

His Doctor listened, paused and took a few notes. He consulted a few forms on his desk and shuffled some papers. Then he answered... "You need to find a new Doctor."   

Searching for what it takes to live a long life and finding a Doctor who was interested in proactive health not reactive health were the first 2 hurdles but the more Pete researched the more he began to understand there was so much more to long healthy living. 

Reviewing the book "Blue Zones" Pete began to look for the other components in long productive living, relationships, vision, reducing stress, gaining control of your brain and health. 

During the next 18 months Pete was rejected by 4 Doctors and the CEO of a major health network. Pete called his good friend Jud Boise to talk over coffee about this concept because he was struggling to put the right people together. Jud loved the idea, knew a great set of forward thinking Doctors and had a full program for developing relationships and accomplishing more in life and  The 100 Plus Group was born. 

Jud, Dr. Doug and Pete look forward to helping you live 100 Plus healthy productive years.


Jud Boies

Jud Boies is a husband, father, grandfather and mentor. He is also an author, speaker, leadership consultant and teacher. His books and programs have had positive impacts on people in the workplace and with their families and friends. For over 20 years, Jud’s programs and books have been used by the largest corporations in America to the smallest single-person operated businesses abroad.  His passion is to show people how to achieve ultimate success and happiness, first with their family, and then with everyone else around them. Jud has been married to his wife, Mary, since 1982 and they have two daughters and a granddaughter.


Pete Rogers

Pete has been creating companies since the late 1980's, he has started real estate, insurance, manufacturing, packaging, farming, and service companies in 10 countries. The 100 Plus Health Group is his latest company and fits into his overall mission, to be in service and create miracles for those in need. He lives in Granite Bay CA, with his wife Kirsten and has 4 adult children and 2 grandkids.


Doug Canlas

Dr. Canlas completed his residency in Internal Medicine at Drexel University’s College of Medicine. After brief tenures at John Muir Medical Group and Sutter Medical Group, Dr. Canlas became one of the top primary care physicians at Kaiser Permanente in terms of patient satisfaction and outcomes.
Throughout his career, Dr. Canlas’ passion has revolved around lifestyle medicine with an emphasis on reducing patients’ reliance on prescriptions, and refining patients’ nutrition, physical activity, and sleep to treat their medical conditions.
His favorite hobbies, cooking and gardening, have merged seamlessly in his efforts to help patients source and prepare food as medicine.