Science Based Wellness: The Path to a Long Life

The Importance of Science Based Wellness in 2023

In the quest for a long and healthy life, many individuals are inundated with countless health trends, fad diets, and miracle supplements or prescriptions. With so much information out there, it can be challenging to discern fact from fiction when it comes to achieving optimal well-being. That's where science-based wellness steps in as a beacon of truth and longevity.

Today on the blog, our health coach Sacramento company explores the significance of science based wellness and how organizations like the 100 Plus Group are leading the way in evidence-based approaches to health and longevity.  

Health and Wellness Coach

Informed Decisions For Your Health

Science based wellness, also known as evidence-based wellness, revolves around making informed health decisions grounded in scientific research and empirical evidence. It's a departure from one-size-fits-all approaches, focusing instead on personalized strategies that address an individual's unique needs, lifestyle, and genetics. This approach recognizes that true wellness goes beyond simply treating symptoms; it involves proactively preventing illness and optimizing overall health.

At 100 Plus Group, our mission is a prime example of an organization dedicated to science-based wellness. Committed to helping individuals live long, healthy lives, we take a holistic approach to well-being. Our evidence-based programs encompass three key pillars: healthcare, stress management, and relationships. By prioritizing regular blood tests, glucose monitoring, HeartMath monitoring, and so much more, we allow for data-driven health optimization to drive our helath plans for each individual.

100 Plus Group Employee Health Programs

At 100 Plus Group, we will coach your team into a happier lifestyle and give them tools to succeed. A company can invest in our program in two different ways - as an educational or medical expense. 

As an educational expense, you can improve employee health and reduce stress. Here, the maximum gift tax per employee is $5,250. Employers would pay tax on the difference and the company can offer to select employees to participate. 

However, businmess owners can also invest in these services as a medical expense. With this, our programs would have to be offered to everyone and could be covered 100% by your company. It would be beneficial to the company helping improve health, reduce stress, and create a great work culture. 

The Role of Health and Wellness Non Profit Organizations

Health and Wellness Non Profit Organizations play a crucial role in promoting science-based wellness. These organizations are dedicated to advancing research, education, and awareness in the field of health and wellness. They provide a valuable resource for individuals seeking credible information and evidence-based solutions for their health concerns.

Such organizations collaborate with researchers, healthcare professionals, and experts in various fields to develop programs and initiatives that align with the latest scientific findings. By supporting these non-profit health organizations, individuals gain access to a wealth of reliable information and resources to help them make informed decisions about their health.

Employee Health and Wellness Programs

Another area where science-based wellness has gained significant traction is in employee health and wellness programs. Forward-thinking companies understand that a healthy workforce is a more productive and engaged one. As a result, they invest in evidence-based wellness initiatives to improve the well-being of their employees.

These programs often include personalized health assessments, access to certified wellness coaches, and evidence-backed strategies to promote physical and mental well-being. By prioritizing science-based wellness in the workplace, employers can reduce healthcare costs, boost employee morale, and enhance overall productivity.

Evidence Based Wellness Is Here To Stay

In a world flooded with health and wellness information, science-based wellness stands out as a beacon of truth and longevity. Non-profit health organizations and employee wellness programs that embrace evidence-based approaches are leading the way in promoting well-being and preventing illness.

The 100 Plus Group exemplifies this commitment to science-based wellness by offering comprehensive programs that address healthcare, stress management, and relationships. By seeking evidence-based solutions and investing in your health today, you're taking a significant step toward a longer, healthier, and more fulfilling life. Don't wait any longer; prioritize science-based wellness and join the movement toward optimal well-being. Your grandkids and future generations will thank you!

To stay up to date with 100 Plus Group, follow us on Instagram. For more information on our services, contact 100 Plus Group today.